2018 has arrived...

there were times when I thought that 2017 would never end. once i get to this point in the year i am ready for spring. yes, we did have a VERY mild fall and i should be grateful, but i am looking forward to more light...more light! i see it happening a few minutes every few days. it is nearly 5p and it is not too dark to see outside. only 77 days until the first day of spring.

happy new year! i am looking forward to normalcy again. i am looking forward to getting back to my easel.


and i enter the 21st century....

i have wanted to create  a website for years. I have thought about it. i have researched it. i have become overwhelmed in the process.

this summer i participated in a "artist as entrepreneur" boot camp that was put on by NYSCA and NYFA. it was 4 days of intense information. i left boot camp knowing that i HAD to have a website. i left with a deadline to have said website live. september 30th. i missed the deadline for going live but i made a big first step. i finally bought my domain name. it is mine...all mine!

i proceeded to start setting up my website and quickly became overwhelmed again. too many options!

today i finally chose a platform and started the process of setting up my website. here goes...

i am artist...hear me roar!